Student Handbook
We strive to keep this student handbook as accurate as possible. Please know that all policies are subject to change.
For the most up-to-date information, parents and students should refer to the St. Tammany Parish Handbook.
- Attendance
- Academic Awards
- Bullying / Harrassment
- Chromebook and Technology Use
- Carnegie Unit/High School Credit
- Discipline Procedures
- Drug Detection
- Education of Children and Youth in Homeless Situations
- Eighth Grade Send Off
- Electronic Equipment
- Emergency Cards
- Field Trips
- Grading
- Health Services and Regulations
- ID Policy
- Insurance
- Internet Violations
- Lockers
- Lost and Found
- Lunch / Breakfast Procedures
- Messages to Students
- Parent Conferences
- Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS)
- Permanent Records
- Promotion
- Sexual Harrassment / Harrassment / Bullying
- Student Access to School Grounds and Buildings
- Student of the Year (8th Grade)
- Student Use of Telephones
- Tardies, Check-Ins and Check-Outs
- Textbooks
- Transfer of Students
- Transportation
- Visitors
Compulsory Attendance
The State of Louisiana requires that all children from their seventh to their eighteenth birthdays must attend a public school, nonpublic day school, or must participate in an approved home study program. Any student above the compulsory attendance age who has excessive absences may be dropped from school with principal recommendation.
School attendance is imperative, not only to satisfy requirements of the law but to help ensure student achievement and success. Every missed day of school is a missed opportunity to learn. As per State policy, St. Tammany Parish Public schools are responsible for enforcing the following requirements:
- Students are expected to be in attendance every student activity day scheduled by the St. Tammany Parish School Board.
- Schools must administer attendance regulations in accordance with State and locally adopted policies.
- In order to be eligible to receive credit for courses passed, high school students may not miss more than five (5) days of excused absences, unexcused absences, and/or suspensions/expulsions per semester.
- Elementary students may not miss more than ten (10) days of unexcused absences, and/or suspensions/expulsions per year. Students in grades K-8 who miss more than three (3) hours of instructional time during the school day will be considered absent for the entire day.
- Students participating in school sponsored activities/field trips that necessitate their being away from school shall be considered to be present and shall be given the opportunity to make up work.
Types of Absences and Attendance
There are three types of absences a student may obtain: Type One: Excused; Type Two: Unexcused; and Type Three: Suspensions/Expulsions. A student who is absent, including a suspended student, shall be allowed to submit missed assignments and tests, and shall be eligible to receive the same academic credit and grades originally available when work is completed satisfactorily. The number of days allotted for make-up work is equal to the total number of consecutive school days the student was absent. After the student receives the missed assignments, the student has the same number of days to complete the work as the number of days missed.
Type One Absence: Excused
Excused absences are not considered for purposes of truancy, including absences incurred due to extenuating circumstances and will not be counted against students in determining whether a student meets attendance requirements. There is no limit to the amount of excused absences a student can incur.
The excused absences are defined in the attendance policy as the following:
- Extended personal physical or emotional illness as verified by a physician or nurse practitioner licensed in the state.
- Extended hospital stay as verified by a physician or nurse practitioner licensed in the state.
- Extended recuperation from an accident as verified by a physician or nurse practitioner licensed in the state.
- Extended contagious disease within a family in which a student is absent as verified by a dentist or physician licensed in the state.
- Quarantine due to prolonged exposure to or direct contact with a person diagnosed with a contagious, deadly disease, as ordered by state or local health officials.
- Observance of special and recognized holidays of the student’s own faith with documentation provided.
- Visitation with an immediate family member who is a member of the United States Armed Forces or the National Guard of a state and such immediate family member has been called to duty for or is on leave from overseas deployment to a combat zone or combat support posting with proper documentation. These absences shall not exceed five days per school year.
- Travel for educational purposes. These absences must be approved prior to the travel with the supporting documentation submitted to the principal. Verification of the educational experience must be submitted upon return to school.
- Death in the immediate family with documentation. These absences shall not exceed five days.
- National catastrophe and/or disaster.
- A student may be absent related to the student’s mental health for up to three days in any school year, and such absences shall be excused when documentation/verification is submitted in accordance with the student handbook. The student shall be given the opportunity to make up missed work. Upon the return to school following the second day of mental health absence in any school year, the student shall be referred to the appropriate school support personnel for guidance in addressing the underlying issue, which may include referral to medical services outside of the school setting.
- Student personal illness or serious illness in the family.
- Pregnant and parenting students at a minimum of 10 days after the birth of a child as verified by a physician or nurse practitioner licensed in the state
Type Two: Unexcused Absences
Unexcused absences are any absence not meeting the requirements set forth in the excused absence definition, including but not limited to absences due to any job (including agriculture and domestic services, even in their own homes or for their own parents or tutors) unless it is part of an approved instructional program. These absences count against the student when determining whether the student meets attendance requirements.
Type Three: Suspensions/Expulsions
Suspensions/Expulsions are absences in which a student is not in attendance in the regular instructional setting due to disciplinary actions imposed by the school. The absence is not considered for purposes of truancy unless the student was assigned to an alternative site and is not in attendance at the assigned alternative site. These absences count against the student when determining whether the student meets attendance requirements and truancy; if the student was assigned to an alternative school, but was not in attendance.
Absences Procedures
Excuses for all absences must be presented in writing to the school principal or designee within 48 hours of the absence. The note must include the student’s full name, days of absence, reason for absence and/or doctor’s verification, parent/guardian signature and date of signature. Failure to send the note within 48 hours will result in an unexcused absence.
In elementary through junior high school, when a student accumulates their third (3), fifth (5) and tenth (10) unexcused absence, notification will be made to the parents/guardians that their child may have to make up seat time based on the number of unexcused absences accumulated. Students who have 10 or more unexcused absences will be required to make up seat time and their missing assignments in order to retain their credit.
In high school, when a student accumulates their third (3), fifth (5) and tenth (10) unexcused absence in a semester notification will be made to the parents/guardians that their child may have to make up seat time based on the number of unexcused absences accumulated. Students who have 5 or more unexcused absences in a semester will be required to make up seat time and their missing assignments in order to retain their credit.
Academic Awards
Bullying / Harrassment
As defined by Act 861 of 2012, bullying is a pattern of one or more of the following:
- Gestures, including but not limited to obscene gestures and making faces;
- Written, electronic, or verbal communications, including, but not limited to calling names, threatening harm, taunting, malicious teasing, or spreading untrue rumors;
- Electronic communication including but is not limited to a communication or image transmitted by email, instant message, text message, blog, or social networking website through the use of a telephone, mobile phone, pager, computer, or other electronic device;
- Physical acts including but not limited to hitting, kicking, pushing, tripping, choking, damaging personal property, or unauthorized use of personal property;
- Repeatedly and purposefully shunning or excluding from activities; where the pattern of behavior is exhibited toward a student, more than once, by another student or group of students and occurs, or is received by a student while on school property, at a school-sponsored or school related function or activity, in any school bus or van, at any designated school bus stop, in any other school or private vehicle used to transport students to and from schools, or any school sponsored activity or event.
The pattern of behavior must have the effect of physically harming a student, placing the student in reasonable fear of physical harm, damaging a student’s property, placing the student in reasonable fear of damage to the student’s property, or must be sufficiently severe, persistent, and pervasive enough to either create an intimidating or threatening educational environment, have the effect of substantially interfering with a student’s performance in school, or have the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.
Personnel at all levels are responsible for taking corrective action to prevent bullying at any school sites or activities.
Allegations of bullying will be promptly investigated, giving due regard to the need for confidentiality and the safety of the alleged victim and/or any individual(s) who report incident(s) of bullying. An individual has the right to report an incident(s) of bullying without fear of reprisal or retaliation at any time. Retaliation is defined as meaning "to pay back (an injury) in kind". When a person is accused of having behaved in an inappropriate fashion, especially bullying, the common reaction of that person is to be angry and want to pay the "alleged victim" back (retaliate). Retaliation must not occur and will not be tolerated.
Proven allegations of bullying can have serious consequences for the person deemed guilty, including verbal or written reprimand, in-school or out-of-school suspension, disciplinary reassignment, and/or expulsion.
Victims of bullying have responsibilities. Victims should clearly tell the bullies to stop. If bullying persists, victims should not ignore the incident(s) but should report immediately the incident to someone at school. Students should tell their parent(s). If the bullying continues after having clearly told the bullies to stop, students should make a written record of the incident including dates, times, witness or witnesses, and parties involved in the incident. The incident should be reported immediately to an adult who has authority over the bullies, for example, a teacher, guidance counselor, assistant principal, or principal. Victims should avoid being alone with the person(s) who attempted to bully them in the past. Victims of bullying who feel uncomfortable reporting this fact to adult personnel at school should contact another appropriate adult or friend who will report on their behalf.
To minimize the risk of being accused of bullying, students should keep their hands to themselves, remember that no one has the right to harm another person in any way, think before speaking, immediately apologize for accidentally saying or doing anything that has made another person feel oppressed, and report all incidents of bullying behavior they have witnessed to appropriate school personnel. Students should not touch anyone without his or her permission. Students should not interact with a person after that person has perceived their behavior toward them as "inappropriate" and has clearly told them to "stop". Nor should they make remarks that may cause another person to feel "oppressed" (stressful, scared, intimidated). Parents who want to file a bullying report on behalf of their student should speak with administration to file the report and receive the necessary paperwork.
Chromebook and Technology Use
Chromebooks are issued at the beginning of each school year. They are school property and fines may be issued if they are lost or damaged. Computer accessibility gives students the opportunity to do technology-rich assignments that enhance classroom lessons and increase student engagement. The purpose of the computers is to provide instruction in curriculum and technology.
• District guidelines for Chromebooks are updated often, so any District rules or guidelines that change will supersede this information.
• Students and parents will have a technology use agreement and permission form on file before using school technology.
• Insurance can be purchased on MyPaymentsPlus at the beginning of the year to cover the cost of any accidental damages made to the Chromebook. The Yearly Chromebook Device Coverage Form can be found here.
• The use of the Internet at MJH is for instructional purposes only. Students are not to change settings.
• Flash drives or external hard drives are not to be used.
• Failure to use equipment properly or breaking the technology use agreement, may result in disciplinary action and/or loss of use of technological equipment on campus.
Passwords must have at least 8 characters AND at least three of the following:
Uppercase letter, lowercase letter, number, special character
It is highly recommended that students pick a favorite word, capitalize it and then use the month and year as the number. For example, School 8167
All students should set up their Security Questions the following way:
Select “Update Challenge Responses.” A Setup Security Questions pop up will appear.
1. What are the last four of your social security number? The students will enter the last four numbers of their student ID.
2. What is your mother’s maiden name? The students will enter their last name.
3. In what city were you born? All students, regardless of birth city, will enter Mandeville.
Carnegie Unit/High School Credit
7th and 8th grade students have the option to be enrolled in a course that has the opportunity to earn a high school credit.
• Grades - The grade earned from the first and second semester will be placed on the student’s high school transcript. In determining the grade for the high school transcript, the average of the 1st and 2nd nine weeks grading periods will be used to calculate the first semester grade. The average of the 3rd and 4th nine weeks grading periods will be used to calculate the second semester average. Each semester average will be placed on the high school transcript and will be calculated in your student’s high school GPA. At the eighth grade level, no weighted credit is given.
• Attendance - In order to be eligible to receive credit for courses passed, high school students may not miss more than five (5) days of unexcused absences and/or suspensions per semester.
• Seat Time – Students in danger of failing due to excessive absences may be allowed to makeup missed seat time held outside of the regular school day. As necessary, parent/guardian will be contacted with seat time information.
• Students enrolled in Carnegie Unit classes will have exams at the end of each semester (2nd and 4th nine weeks). The exam is 20% of the nine week grade.
Discipline Procedures
We feel that all students must behave in such a manner that these two objectives – learning and teaching – may be met. Discipline should be fair, consistent, and reasonable. Students are responsible for their behavior. The school will provide Positive Behavior Support, guidance, and incentives.
School Wide Behavior Rules
The policies and administrative procedures apply to actions of students during school hours, before and after school, while on school property, while traveling in vehicles operated on behalf of the School Board, at all school-sponsored events and otherwise when the actions affect the goals or operations of the St. Tammany Parish Public School System. The principal is expected to report serious, disruptive, or criminal actions to law enforcement officials.
In-School Support Program
In-School Support Program (ISS) is used as an intervention/consequence for major infractions. All work that is normally assigned in class, graded, or completed in class will be administered in the ISS classroom. Students receive grades and credit for classroom work completed. Each student’s assignment to ISS will be dealt with on an individual, case by case basis. The principal will determine whether the offense warrants an ISS. The principal will determine how many times a student will serve ISS.
Minor Infractions
This is our in-house school tracking form used as a classroom management tool and form of communication and between the teachers and parents. Teachers will set up classroom rules and consequences that will be posted in the classroom. Teachers will handle minor infractions individually.
A Minor Infraction Report (MIR) is a letter to inform you that your student demonstrated inappropriate behavior. It is important for your student to follow the rules in order to ensure academic success. The MIR asks that parents stress the importance of good behavior to avoid additional consequences. This report must be signed and returned the next school day. If the letter is not signed, another Minor Infraction report issued. Failure to return the second MIR results in an office referral.
After four MIRs, there will be administrative review which could possibly result in Saturday Support, In School Support (ISS), or other consequences. After the parent signs the MIR, the student will return the pink copy to the referring teacher. The parent will keep the Gold copy for record keeping. Faculty and staff members are expected to use professional judgment in determining which behaviors are considered minor infractions and major infractions.
Major Infractions
State form that is tracked through JCampus. Students with major infractions may be excluded from participating in school sponsored events as well as extra-curricular activities.
Lunch Detention
Students may be assigned a lunch detention as a consequence for misconduct for various reasons. This is at the digression of the principal or assistant principal.
Drug Detection
A student may be searched when there is probable cause to believe that the student has in his/her possession any illegal substance (alcohol/drugs/tobacco products/weapons). Any evidence seized as a result of such search may be used in court prosecution.
Any search of a student’s person will be completed/witnessed by an administrator. At least one witness who is an administrator or teacher, of the same sex of the student, will be present throughout the search. Documentation will be made of all findings of illegal items. Consult the St. Tammany Parish System Handbook for more information.
Education of Children and Youth in Homeless Situations
The McKinney-Vento Act is a federal law passed in 1987 to help people experiencing homelessness. The Act requires states and school districts to make sure students in homeless situations can attend and succeed in school. The McKinney-Vento Act applies to all children and youth who do not have a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, including all children who are living in the following situations:
• Doubled-up housing with other families or friends because they lost their home or their family is having temporary financial problems
• Living in a motel/hotel because of economic hardship or loss of housing
• Living in an emergency or transitional shelter, domestic violence shelter, or in a runaway/homeless youth shelter
• Living in a vehicle of any kind; campground without running water and/or electricity; abandoned building; substandard housing; bus/train station
• Abandoned in a hospital
Children and youth in homeless situations have the right to the following:
• Attend and succeed in school no matter where they live or how long they have lived there
• Enroll in a school despite the lack of a permanent address or lack of school and immunization records or birth certificates and other documents
• Receive services comparable to those offered to non-homeless children and youth
• Get transportation to school, if feasible
• Access educationally related support services
Should you or your child meet these qualifications; please contact your school’s main office or guidance office to complete a form for consideration.
Eighth Grade Send Off
In May, the school hosts an event for 8th grade students that includes games, music, and food. Information and details about pricing and payment will be sent home with students later in the school year. Students will be excluded from this event for certain major offenses or other reasons at the administration’s discretion.
Electronic Equipment
Students shall be allowed to possess an electronic communication device on a school campus during the instructional day or on the bus to and from school provided the device is turned to the off position, completely stowed away, and not in use. Stowing of electronic communication devices is defined as being placed in the student’s locker, school bag or purse and shall not be displayed in view using any type of clip or other device. Electronic communication devices cannot be stowed in a pocket. If a student is found using an electronic communication device, displaying an electronic telecommunication device, or in possession of an electronic communication device on their person during the instructional day or on the school bus, the disciplinary procedures as outlined in the District Handbook for Students and Parents shall be utilized as a consequence. The Superintendent or his/her designee may authorize exceptions to this policy on an individual, case by case basis. Nothing in this policy shall prohibit the emergency use of electronic telecommunication devices by any student or person. Emergency shall mean an actual or imminent threat to public health or safety which may result in loss of life or injury. Use or operation of an electronic communication device shall mean the device is either visible or turned to the on position for receiving or transmitting signals. Possession and/or use of other electronic devices by students shall be prohibited unless authorized by the Superintendent or his/her designee. The School System will not be responsible for lost or stolen electronic devices.
Any student found using an electronic communication device, displaying an electronic telecommunication device, or in possession of a ringing electronic communication device during the instructional day, may have the electronic communication device confiscated by the principal/designee and have disciplinary consequences. The parent/guardian will be required to retrieve the electronic communication device from the school principal/designee. Related disruption and/or refusal to hand over a cell phone when directed by a school system employee may result in more severe disciplinary action such as suspension and/or expulsion.
Emergency Cards
Each student must return a completed and signed emergency card during the first week of school. This card will be filed in the office. All cards must include a current local phone number to call in case of an emergency. There must be a phone number on this card where someone can be reached at any given time. Please notify the front office (985) 626-4428 of any changes that need to be made on the emergency card. Please include a working e-mail address. Students will only be allowed to be checked out by people listed on the emergency card.
Field Trips
MJH teachers may offer opportunities for class field trips. Payments for field trips must be made on MyPaymentsPlus.
The MJH cafeteria will make bag lunches for those students who are interested in taking a bag lunch on field trips. The student should let the coordinating teacher know at least two days before the field trip to order a bag lunch.
Parents should make every effort to ensure that their student participates in teacher-arranged, approved field trips. Students who are excluded from field trips for any reason are expected to attend school the day of the field trip. Instruction will be provided for those students who remain at school. After parent notification, students may be excluded from a field trip due to previously documented disciplinary infraction, or a parent/guardian may be required to attend in order for the student to attend the field trip. Students with excessive or serious disciplinary issues may be excluded from field trips, or may require parent/guardian to chaperone.
The St. Tammany Parish grading scale is as follows:
A = 90-100
B = 80-89
C = 70-79
D = 60-69
F = 0-59
• Exams are only given to students enrolled in Carnegie Unit classes and will occur at the end of each semester (2nd nine weeks and 4th nine weeks). Exams will count for 20% of the nine week’s grade.
• Interim Assessments will be given to students enrolled in ELA, math, science, social studies. Interim Assessments will count for 10% of the nine-week grade in the quarter assessed.
• Number grades (using the grading scale above) are recorded throughout each grading period and are averaged for the grading period grade. The numerical grade and corresponding letter grade will be recorded on the report card. The numerical grades for each grading period will be averaged for the yearly grade and recorded on the report card along with the corresponding letter grade.
• Grades can be accessed online by visiting Parents can obtain login information by contacting the school office.
• Student conduct grades will be given on the report card as follows:
E = Excellence in conduct
S = Satisfactory in conduct
N = Needs Improvement in conduct
U = Unsatisfactory in conduct
• Report cards are sent home four times during the school year following the completion of each grading period. All report cards are sent home with the student with the exception of the fourth nine weeks. The final report card is mailed home at the end of the year by the school board.
Health Services and Regulations
When a student is injured at school, the classroom teacher and the front office should be notified immediately. The extent of the injury will be determined by the office, and the parent is notified, if deemed necessary. Parents must fill out emergency forms which are kept on file in the office. Please keep all emergency phone numbers current. There should be a phone number on the emergency card where someone can be reached at any given time.
• Parents and guardians ONLY may administer any medication.
• Students with prescription medication must keep medicine in the front office with forms (St. Tammany Parish Medication Form) completed by the parent and doctor. This form is available in the office.
ALL MEDICATION MUST REMAIN IN THE OFFICE AT ALL TIMES. This includes over the counter medications such as aspirin, cough drops, Midol, any sinus or allergy medications, etc. A student MAY carry his/her inhaler if the proper St. Tammany Parish Medication forms are on file in the front office.
ID Policy
Students are required to wear their own current student ID with the picture visible above the waist during regular school hours. This ID is very important because it is used as Door Access to certain areas on campus. Each student will receive one ID at no charge. Students can purchase a temporary, one-day ID for $1.00. Students will be provided the opportunity to pay the $1.00 fee the following day without having to serve a lunch detention. If the fee is not paid, it will result in a lunch detention. A second, permanent, ID can be purchased from the library for $5. IDs that have been lost or damaged or are in poor shape must be replaced.
Students are responsible for their ID at all times. They are not to write or mark on the front or back of the ID. If wearing the ID in a case, the case must be clear where both sides of the ID are visible. Students are not to cut, chew or deface their ID. Students are responsible for replacement fees regardless of reason for replacement. Lanyards must be school appropriate and free of any adornments, trinkets or buttons.
IDs are part of the dress code policy and students out of compliance will be issued a Minor Infraction Form.
Internet Violations
Lockers are issued at the beginning of the year per student request. Students are responsible for keeping their lockers clean to help keep them from jamming. Students may go to their lockers anytime between classes; however, they must arrive to class on time using the allotted time between classes. Students are responsible for the contents of their assigned locker. These lockers are subject to school inspection at any time. Students are to keep their locker combinations private to avoid theft or vandalism. Student lockers are for individual use without sharing with other students. Students who jam their lockers may face disciplinary action.
Lost and Found
Lost articles should be placed in the wooden lost and found container in the main hall. Students should also check with their classroom teachers for lost items. Parents and students are strongly urged to clearly label everything a student brings to school. Books, book bags, and purses SHOULD NEVER BE LEFT UNATTENDED. Items such as large amounts of money, expensive jewelry, electronics, or any other valuable items are to be left at home. The school will not be responsible for any items lost or stolen at school.
Lunch / Breakfast Procedures
- Breakfast is available each morning from 7:00 a.m. until 7:25 a.m.
- Students should have their student ID to scan for meals/snacks.
- Students need to utilize MyPaymentsPlus to pay for breakfast/lunch items. No cash accepted. Go to to enroll.
- Students are to remain in the designated areas during lunch time. Entry into the hallway or library is only permitted with a pass from a teacher. Students may only be in a classroom with a teacher present.
- Students are expected to assist in keeping the cafeteria and yard clean by emptying their plates in the appropriate manner and throwing garbage away.
Messages to Students
Instructional minutes are to be preserved, therefore distractions such as messages or items delivered from home are discouraged. Items for students will be held in the office. Announcements for students to pick up those items will be made at the beginning of the day, before lunch, and before the afternoon bell rings. Any after school arrangements, including doctor’s appointments, should be made prior to the start of the school day.
Parent Conferences
We value the partnerships that we establish with parents. We know that parents are a key part of the educational process, and we want parents to feel welcome to talk to us and meet with us. Parents may make appointments for conferences with teachers, the principal, or both by telephoning the school office at (985) 626-4428 or by e-mailing the teacher. Conferences can be scheduled before school, after school, or possibly during the teacher’s planning period. Contact information for teachers can be found on the Student Progress Center.
Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS)
PBIS is a program that is based upon positive expectations for student behavior. We are Patriot Proud to be inspiring our students by establishing the 7 habits from Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens.
1. Be proactive
2. Begin with the end in mind
3. Put first things first
4. Think win-win
5. Seek first to understand, then to be understood
6. Synergize
7. Sharpen the saw
PBIS Student Incentive Programs
MJH promotes random acts of kindness and goodwill throughout the campus. Students are given Patriot Bucks by teachers and staff who witness students exhibiting positive behaviors. We at MJH believe that kindness blossoms into even more kindness and that learning to put others before self is an invaluable virtue. When a student has collected “bucks,” he/she can exchange them for a well-deserved reward. Rewards include turning in five bucks for ice cream at lunch, discount on smoothies or milkshakes from the PTA or admittance into home football and basketball games. Other redemption methods may be added later in the year.
Each month students are chosen based on attendance, citizenship, academics and other standards.
Students may place Patriot Bucks in the Patriot Prize Box (main hall near the school library) for a chance to win a gift certificate. The drawing is held at the end of each quarter. One buck equals one chance.
The PBIS committee at MJH developed the Positive Behavior Referral Form to encourage students to display, on a daily basis, all facets of the FISH Philosophy. Academic excellence, continuous improvement, and citizenship are behaviors that are valued and promoted at MJH. Classroom teachers will use the forms to notify the administration of an outstanding deed by a student. The administration, in turn, will place a celebratory phone call to the student’s parent/guardian and give a copy of the Positive Behavior Referral Form. Students will also receive special treats from the office.
The Excel Reward Program is designed to honor students who have missed NO instructional time: zero to school tardies, zero absences any day, AND have zero check-outs of school per quarter. Excel students are rewarded with ten minutes early to lunch on a given day, get a special treat, and are eligible for door prizes.
Permanent Records
Sexual Harrassment / Harrassment / Bullying
Sexual harassment/Harassment/Bullying are violations of the law and St. Tammany Parish School Board policy. Such behaviors will be fully investigated and addressed by the administration. Students who believe they are victims of such behavior are encouraged to either speak to the principal, assistant principal, counselor, TRT, or any faculty member for assistance. All incidents will be documented.
Student Access to School Grounds and Buildings
Students are to remain in student designated areas that are supervised by adults during the school day. Students are to enter campus after the 7:00 am bell rings. At the end of the day, students who do not have specific supervised business with a school sponsored group on campus are to leave. Students are not to loiter or be unsupervised after the bell rings at the end of the school day.
Student of the Year (8th Grade)
The Student of the Year Award Program is designed to recognize outstanding elementary, middle/junior, and high school students in the areas of academic excellence, leadership, and citizenship. The program is sponsored by the Louisiana State Department of Education and the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education. The student that is selected as the MJH Student of the Year will go to the parish competition and possibly the state level.
Student Use of Telephones
- Students may use the office phone for personal calls only before school, during lunch, or after school.
- Telephone messages will be given students only in the case an emergency. Please communicate with your child before school about after school activities and transportation arrangements.
- Students must have a pass from a teacher to use the telephone during class time.
- Lost or stolen cell phones are the responsibility of the students.
- Any parent needing to contact a student during school hours should utilize the school secretary. Calling or texting your student is unacceptable and the student may face disciplinary action.
Tardies, Check-Ins and Check-Outs
A. Tardies/Check-ins
A student will receive an excused late to school tardy providing that the parent writes a note that includes the date, student’s name, reason for tardiness, and parental signature. This note must be presented to the school office within 48 hours of the tardy.
B. Late To School Tardy Consequences
• 1st – 4th tardy – documentation by administration and student warning. Emails are sent to parents on the 3rd and 4th tardy. Tardy to school is considered 7:30 to 10:40.
• 5th tardy and for each tardy thereafter – Saturday Support
• Tardy documentation begins new each nine weeks.
• Tardies between classes are considered a minor infraction and will be documented in accordance with the Minor Infraction policy.
C. Check-outs
Unless a student is seriously ill they should remain in school. Every effort should be made to schedule appointments outside of school hours. In the event that a student is checked out the following procedures must be followed:
⦁ Any student who needs to leave school due to illness or any other reason MUST check out through the office.
⦁ After securing a pass from his/her teacher, the student should come to the office if too ill to remain in class.
⦁ In order to check out a student, a parent or guardian must come to the front office to sign out the student and will be required to present a driver’s license in order to verify identification.
⦁ The person checking out the student MUST be listed on the student’s emergency card and show picture ID.
⦁ Students must bring a written excuse to the office for any class missed due to checking out.
⦁ We ask that students be checked out BEFORE 2:00 p.m.
All textbooks at MJH are the property of the St. Tammany Parish School System. Textbooks are checked in and out through the library. Any lost or damaged will result in a monetary fine payable on MyPaymentsPlus. If a textbook is lost, the student must pay the original price for it before he/she will be issued a new textbook. Writing in a textbook constitutes damage to it. Many new textbooks cost in excess of $50.00, so extra care should be taken upon issue. The student should check the textbook for damage and notify the teacher of any damage found upon issuance. Most textbooks have an online version for all students to access.
Transfer of Students
Students who are leaving MJH to attend another school during the school year must go through the proper clearance procedure in the front office. This begins with the parent/guardian notifying the office that a transfer will occur. One of our school secretaries will give the parent/guardian the necessary forms to be completed. Please give a minimum of three days to complete the process. All fines and fees must be paid and all textbooks, Chromebook, and charger must be checked in before a student can be properly cleared. If it is the end of the school year and you will not be attending Mandeville Junior High the following year, please let the office know.
General Policies
⦁ Students are allowed on campus at 7:00 am. Duty teachers will be at their post for 7:00 am.
⦁ Any student waiting for car or bus rides before and after school is to refrain from running, pushing, or playing ball in waiting areas.
It is strongly urged that students take advantage of bus transportation to avoid being tardy to school.
Bus Riders
⦁ Students should ride a bus to school if a bus route is available. This will reduce the number of students tardy in the morning and reduce traffic before and after school. Bus information may be found on the St. Tammany Parish website at . Bus assignments are also posted outside in the hall by the Library. Students must remember that the bus driver is responsible for their safety and well-being while they are on the bus. The driver must be respected and obeyed.
⦁ Students must obey the school rules on a bus as well as at school since it is an extension of school.
⦁ Students who violate bus regulations or who in any way endanger themselves or others by misconduct on the bus will be reported by the bus driver to the principal who can suspend them from the bus or take other action.
⦁ Students waiting for buses after school should remain on the Villere side of the school (by the bus ramp). Students must refrain from walking between buses as it is dangerous.
⦁ A student who must ride a bus other than his/her own must have a written request addressed to the principal from his/her parents. The note, which must include the requested bus number and a parent signature, is to be brought to the front office before school and picked up at lunch. Bus drivers will only allow visitor students to board the bus if they have a note that the principal approves and signs. The guest rider must present the signed/approved note to the bus driver upon boarding the bus.
⦁ Bike riders are asked to ride their bikes responsibly. This includes refraining from riding in the street unnecessarily, avoiding cars, and securing their bikes in the designated areas with a lock. Remember, bicycles riders are responsible for obeying all traffic regulations, including stop signs.
⦁ Students who ride bicycles to school must park them in the available bike rack located by the old bus ramp (door nearest to the library). Bikes should be chained and locked.
⦁ The student is responsible for lost or stolen bikes.
⦁ For safety reasons, bicycle riders are to remain on campus until released by a duty teacher. Bike riders and walkers will be dismissed only after all buses have departed for the safety of the students.
Car Riders
⦁ Students are to be dropped off in the Carondelet, back parking lot by the cafeteria and report directly to the picnic area. During inclement weather, students will be directed to the gym until the 7:25 bell rings.
⦁ Dropping students off in other areas, such as side streets, parking spots, bus ramp, Villere, or the flagpole is not only unsafe, but it causes traffic delays. Doing so may result in disciplinary action.
⦁ Please allow time for traffic, especially during inclement weather.
⦁ Carondelet is ONE WAY – toward the lake – from 7:00 am until 9:00 am and from 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
⦁ Students waiting for car rides after school must be picked up in the Carondelet, back parking lot.
⦁ For safety reasons, walkers are to remain on campus until dismissed by a duty teacher after the buses have departed.
⦁ In the mornings, walkers should enter using the Villere entrance of the school near the library.
ALL VISITORS must check in at the front office upon arrival regardless of purpose on campus.
All parents/guardians coming to school to check out a student must present a driver’s license to the front office to verify identification.
All visitors on school property for ANY reason are required to present a driver’s license for identification verification. The license will be swiped into the Badge Pass System. At that time a visitor sticker will be issued. The sticker is to be worn visibly while on campus.